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Our Humanitarian Works

In our modern world, marked by incredible technological advancements and unprecedented global connectivity, it is disheartening that billions of individuals continue to be ensnared by the relentless grip of poverty and injustice. Despite the efforts of nations, organizations, and individuals striving for progress, these twin challenges persist as stubborn reminders of the unfinished work in our shared pursuit of a fair and equitable global society.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Working in partnership with Angel Wings Holdings in Goma, DRC, LIT Base is working vigorously to provide hunger relief, hygiene and comfort to the victims of the on going war instigated by the neighbouring country, Rwanda. 


Providing meals to those facing food insecurities in Angola.

We have been able to provide over 100,000 meals to orphaned children and elderly widows in region of Huambo, Angola.   

LIT Base


Poverty, an affliction that robs individuals of their basic needs and opportunities, remains a deeply rooted issue. Whether it's lack of access to proper
nutrition, healthcare, education, or dignified living conditions, millions find themselves unable to break free from the cycle of destitution.


Injustice, in its various forms, exacerbates the plight of those trapped in poverty.


Discrimination, exploitation, and systemic biases further marginalize vulnerable communities, perpetuating a cycle that is difficult to escape.

Areas Of Work

Through a holistic approach, together, we can rewrite the narrative of our world and build a future where everyone can thrive.

LIT Base

How We Work


Holistic Approach:

We recognize that poverty and injustice are multifaceted issues that cannot be solved in isolation. Our approach addresses economic, social, environmental, and cultural factors to create comprehensive solutions that foster lasting change.



We believe in empowering individuals and communities to be agents of change in their own lives. Through education, skill development, and access to resources, we strive to create opportunities for sustainable self-improvement.



Our work thrives on collaboration and partnerships. We build bridges between governments, NGOs, businesses, and individuals to pool resources, knowledge, and expertise for maximum impact.



We are dedicated advocates for policy reforms that promote equality and human rights. By engaging with governments, international bodies, and stakeholders, we amplify the voices of marginalized communities to drive systemic change.

Where & When


Everyone | Everywhere

Our help has no boarders. High-risk and low-resource areas often have populations that are in urgent need of assistance due to factors such as conflict, natural disasters, poverty, and lack of access to basic services like healthcare and education.
We are driven by a desire to alleviate suffering and improve the lives of those who are most vulnerable and so we will strategically operate in these areas, including the UK and every other country globally.
We may operate in different ways in different countries depending on the needs in that
particular country. This allows us to affectively address the disparities and inequalities that exist in the world with a greater impact.

Where We Operate

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